Award winning Ghanaian actor who doubles as a movie producer, Fiifi Coleman has said that just like actress Martha Ankomah, he is very selective when it comes to movies he is to be featured in.
The popular actor has said that there a several factors he puts into consideration before he accepts movie roles and one of them is that he does not shoot movies with poor scripts.
The actor claims he would rather choose to ignore being featured in movies with poor scripts and go broke over being featured in them and becoming rich.
The actor was speaking in an interview with Graphic Showbiz which monitored when he chose quality movies over poor movies.
The actor claims he has spurned several movie roles because he feels those movies have poor scripts, saying that anytime a producer approaches him for a movie, he makes them understand what he wants and what he does not want, so if the producer is okay they work, and if they are not okay today he decides to let the deal go irrespective of how much he would be paid.
He added that there have been several instances where he was given the opportunity to better movies with poor scripts before he picked up the roles.
“I have turned down a few scripts from some producers because, to me, they were not too good, however, I will gladly snap it up if I am happy with it. I virtually tell you what I want if I am not too cool with what is presented to me and when the adjustments are made, I jump on board. I even come on board to assist with the production to make it better,” he said.
The actor used the opportunity to express his readiness to work with Oscar Provencal and Kofi Adjorlolo