Renowned Ghanaian actor, Kwadwo Nkansah known popularly as LilWin, is set to collaborate with top Nigerian movie stars on an ambitious Netflix-standard project titled “A Country Called Ghana.”
The film, expected to showcase a blend of Ghanaian and Nigerian talent in a compelling storyline, is part of LilWin’s commitment to revitalizing the Ghanaian movie industry.
Welcoming Nollywood’s finest actors, including Ramsey Noah, Charles Awurum, and Victor Osuagwu (aka “Awilo Sharp Sharp”), LilWin expressed his desire to kindle a renewed interest in Ghanaian local films.
The actor, who recently established a film village in Kumasi, sees this project as a crucial step toward meeting international cinematic standards.
In an interview with GNA Entertainment, LilWin emphasized his dedication to elevating the Ghanaian movie scene, asserting, “I want to contribute my quota to the upliftment of the Ghanaian movie industry, which is why I am investing in various movie projects.”
The upcoming “A Country Called Ghana ” is slated to be shot over one month and is anticipated to surpass the success of LilWin’s previous “Mr. President” project.
Expressing his dream of reaching Hollywood, LilWin believes that this collaboration will attract global attention to Ghanaian cinema.
He urged corporate entities to support the project, emphasizing its significance in advancing the local film industry.
The complete cast of “A Country Called Ghana” is scheduled to meet the press on Wednesday, February 21, 2024, at the F2 Hotel and Apartment in Kumasi.
See pictures below: