A Ghanaian lady has shared what she looks for in men before she agrees to be in a loving relationship with them.
The lady said that even though she wants several things, she has one basic requirement she will not compromise on.
During an appearance inside Kojo Sheldon’s studios, the lady said she will not date a man who does not have a car.
“A basic requirement for me, I just want someone who drives. Because I don’t drive, if you also don’t drive, then where are we going?” she said.
When asked if she thinks someone with a car would date her when she does not own a car, she said she would not force anybody with a car to date her.
“It’s your preference. I’m not asking you to come and date me. If you tell me you can’t date me because I don’t have a car, I would say okay. Because if you also didn’t have a car, I would not be able to date you. So it goes both ways.”
Netizens Reactions…
@fixondennis – I agree with her. Uber cars are too small to carry this forehead.
@AkosuaAmpofowah –What’s stopping you from driving your own car or your father’s car?
@views09 – Is there a law that ladies can’t own cars or what?. It’s always my guy should not I should?. Even in their imagination they can’t be rich?. Oh smh